2 Default Views on SharePoint Document Library

On a SharePoint Document library we generally have a single default view. But, have you thought that we can maintain 2 default views on SharePoint Document library if we want to display different views on different folders/document sets/content types.

Yes, we can do it by following the below easy steps :)

1. Create a SharePoint Document Library.
2. Enable "Allow Management of content types" in Advance settings.

SharePointsol-SharePoint manage content types

3. Create 2 folders in a Document library (Here i am explaining by taking an example of document library and folders in document library).
4. Create a view, enter name and please make sure that you have selected "Make this the default view".

SharePointsol - Select Default view

5. Expand "Folder" in the view creation form.

sharepointsol - Folder Expanded view

6. Select "In Folders of Content Type" and choose the content type.

SharePointsol - Select Content type for different views

7. Click "Ok"

That's simple, You are done.

To check this you can navigate to library settings and see your views in "Views" section.

SharePointsol - SharePoint List Document Library views

Believe this article is helpful for you.
2 Default Views on SharePoint Document Library 2 Default Views on SharePoint Document Library Reviewed by Sudheer Gangumolu on February 14, 2015 Rating: 5


  1. I tried. It has created successfully two multiple default views. But I didn't get how to use it. By default its showing first default view only and not the second one(new one created).

    1. When you click on Folder/DocumentSet on SharePoint document library, the view will be displayed automatically.

  2. I need to get the permissions associated to a Folder. I can get the folder by the getfolder method but the item has the .Item property null. When i Access to the .DocumentLibrary i get the RoleAssignments, but if I had a subfolder with his own RoleAssignments, the solution i'm using always returns me the parents' privileges.i am also remove inherit user permission on my code.

  3. Enhanced security is needed on all business documents that have business secrets, future business plans and confidential information of the business. Self Storage
