Web Service - tool to find error in web services for Nintex Workflows

In one of my SharePoint project, I have a requirement to use Nintex workflows using sequential workflows. In that workflow there are web service calling jobs which calls a web service and capture the web service output in a parameter in workflow. Initially I have faced many problems with these web services and I’m unable to trace where exactly the issue is when it is not displaying the exact error message. Then I have come across with the below tool where I can trace my error in the web service by passing the web service input parameter values statically to the method. This tool is meant for web service implementers to test web services.

Please visit this site for more information and to download this tool. Click Here

Please follow the below steps to find the errors in the web services

This tool is used to invoke web methods interactively, Run this tool on a client machine. In the WSDL EndPoint section, enter the full URL of your web service http://yourserver/site/subsite/_vti_bin/WEBSERVICE. Select the method from the list of methods in the left hand tree view, provide tree required input parameter values and click Invoke. Please note that you may need to tick “preauthenticate” to true. If the request is success it displays the information in output window. If the request is failed/ not showing any results, please go to request/response tab and view the text. This explains either it is success or failure. by showing the status/reason for failure.

Note: The first call of web service may fail, so please try a second time.

Hope this will helps you and saves your time. Thanks for Visiting my site. 
Web Service - tool to find error in web services for Nintex Workflows Web Service - tool to find error in web services for Nintex Workflows Reviewed by Sudheer Gangumolu on September 12, 2014 Rating: 5

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