Change Directory using command prompt

Back to Basics, To Change the Directory using command prompt when you want to run your code in different Location / Folder / Drive follow the different approaches as which fulfills your requirement.

1. Click on Start button
2. Type "cmd" in the search
3. Click on command prompt, a window will be displayed as below. Here we are explaining using C: as an example.

command prompt

  a. If you want to move one step back you can use "cd.." command which will take you one step back.

command prompt to change drive using cd..

  b. If you want to move directly to C: or Home Directory you can use "cd/" command which will take you directly to your home drive.

   c. If you want to change the directory which the code is running you can use [Drive name]: which will take you directly to the Drive.
 eg: by typing "D:"

Hope this will helps you. check for more updates.
Change Directory using command prompt Change Directory using command prompt Reviewed by Sudheer Gangumolu on September 08, 2014 Rating: 5

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